Planning Module 1.3 released – fixes some annoying bugs and adds CSV export
If you’ve been bugged by a bunch of email notifications coming your way when you save project plans with Planning module, we finally have a solution.
We are releasing Planning Module 1.3 today. This is a minor upgrade and bug fix release. Thanks to all users for their contributions and comments (especially bug reports!)
Export the plan as a CSV / XML file
- Permissions can now be managed using Planning section in AC Admin
- Enable Save only if plan was changed.
- Can now open Planning module for a completed / paused project too
Bug Fixes:
- Notifications being sent on item reassignments (NOTE: Required update to a core AC file in “resources” module.)
- Fixes to avoid duplication of project items.
- Checklists & Pages show correctly in Calendar view now
- Ensured Activity Logs are created correctly. (Needed for Reports module)
- Dragging multiple items plan showed error in some cases – fixed
- Changing priority of tasks did not save
As usual, you can download the latest version using the same download link that you received in the original purchase confirmation email.